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Guidelines for Reporting Rarities and Submission of Annual Records
Detailed records of nationally or locally rare species (guidance on these is here) should be sent to the County Recorder Eddie Hunter (goweros23@gmail.com) as soon as possible after the sighting. An appropriate description should be provided of the species, your previous experience of it (and similar species), the circumstances and weather conditions in which the sighting occurred and any other pertinent information (such as photos). He will then circulate to the local or national records committee as relevant.

Day to day observations, including of nest sites, flocks of birds and species of local interest, should be collated in the Annual Record Form and sent to Eddie as an email attachment following each calendar year. Receiving these by the end of January is ideal as an early start can then be made on compiling the annual report.


Please could we ask that detailed locational information that may lead to the disturbance of the nest sites of species listed under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) is omitted from any posts. This may otherwise lead to an offence being committed.

Schedule 1 species that regularly breed in the recording area are Dartford warbler, chough, honey buzzard, crossbill, goshawk, kingfisher, hobby, red kite, barn owl, peregrine, little ringed plover and Cetti’s warbler.

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Terry Tovey
Terry Tovey
27 July 2024 22:09

Briton ferry 21 swifts,screaming over the estate tonight.

Dewi Lewis
27 July 2024 17:55

Undisclosed location:We had a wonderful display this afternoon of two adult Goshawk and three juveniles.The juveniles were put through their paces at hunting. On two occasions we watched the parent birds hunt down a Meadow Pipit and House Martin before “food dropping” for the three juveniles.

Stephen Chambers
Stephen Chambers
27 July 2024 16:52

Whimbrel at Limeslade Bay late this morning, together with a lone Mediterranean Gull.

Owain Gabb
27 July 2024 14:56

Oxwich Marsh: 37 sedge warbler, 33 reed warbler, 18 greenfinch, 4 willow warbler, 3 whitethroat, 2 treecreeper, garden warbler, kingfisher.

Owain Gabb
26 July 2024 19:30

Oxwich Marsh: 2 grasshopper warblers (one carrying significant fat) and 20 sedge warblers this morning.

Barrie Swinnerton
26 July 2024 13:22

More than 20 swifts over vile fields near to Lewis Castle this morning.

Owain Gabb
24 July 2024 14:32

Oxwich Marsh: flocks of 400+ starling and 200+ swallows roosting in the marsh at present. Sedge warblers starting to build fat in preparation for moving, but little evidence of other migrants passing through. Grasshopper warbler fledged juvenile a couple of days ago. Kestrel using hay field and rushy ground to landward side of marsh road for foraging.

Paul Larkin
23 July 2024 23:11

This evening south of the Loughor Bridge. The high tide seemed to have forced birds to roost further up the estuary with only 1 Common Sandpiper, 23 Curlew, 2 Whimbrel and 2 Redshank and very few Oystercatchers present. A surprise on the water was a female Goosander only my second record south of the bridge

Jeremy Douglas-Jones
23 July 2024 07:37

91 Med Gulls at Bracelet 0735 today. No rings visible. That’s the highest number I have seen here. Also one seal in the bay.

Paul Larkin
22 July 2024 23:29

This afternoon.

At Blackpill

Med Gull 111 including several colour ringed birds, Y L Gull 1 adult.

Bracelet Bay

Med Gull 57 on the rocks including 2 juvs plus 29 down channel, Guillemot 2 on the sea, Gannet 3 down channel, Manx Shearwater 2 down channel, Sandwich Tern 1 in off and settled on the rocks with the Meds. Also a grey seal in the bay and six dolphins off Mumbles head.

This evening at Castell Du

Common Sandpiper 23, L R Plover 5 juvs, Greenshank 3, GW Egret 1, Pied Wagtail 123, Stock Dove 1.

Matt White
Matt White
25 July 2024 19:17
Reply to  Paul Larkin

Been meaning to ask GOS for a long time. Where is Castell Du? Would really like to visit. Sounds like a great spot.

Barry Stewart
21 July 2024 22:34

The adult Cattle Egret was present at Grove Farm pond earlier today

Owain Gabb
21 July 2024 20:12

First signs of autumn passage at Oxwich today with a sedge warbler carrying significant fat and a (potentially) non-local young grasshopper warbler (with relatively advanced post juvenile moult). Day totals included 23 reed warbler and 18 sedge warbler.