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Guidelines for Reporting Rarities and Submission of Annual Records
Detailed records of nationally or locally rare species (guidance on these is here) should be sent to the County Recorder Eddie Hunter (goweros23@gmail.com) as soon as possible after the sighting. An appropriate description should be provided of the species, your previous experience of it (and similar species), the circumstances and weather conditions in which the sighting occurred and any other pertinent information (such as photos). He will then circulate to the local or national records committee as relevant.

Day to day observations, including of nest sites, flocks of birds and species of local interest, should be collated in the Annual Record Form and sent to Eddie as an email attachment following each calendar year. Receiving these by the end of January is ideal as an early start can then be made on compiling the annual report.


Please could we ask that detailed locational information that may lead to the disturbance of the nest sites of species listed under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) is omitted from any posts. This may otherwise lead to an offence being committed.

Schedule 1 species that regularly breed in the recording area are Dartford warbler, chough, honey buzzard, crossbill, goshawk, kingfisher, hobby, red kite, barn owl, peregrine, little ringed plover and Cetti’s warbler.

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Owain Gabb
24 November 2019 16:27

Oxwich Marsh 24/11/19. Firecrest (2), chiffchaff (2) among 75 birds captured during ringing session.
Marsh tit in tit flock in Ilston Valley (c. 200 m up the track from the Gower Inn)

Jeremy Douglas-Jones
23 November 2019 15:42

Members are invited to submit sightings on this page of Gower Ornithological Society’s new website.

Owain Gabb
21 November 2019 23:10

Gower: No reports
Glamorgan: Long-tailed duck (Sker Point), marsh harrier (Kenfig NNR), water pipit (lower Ogmore Estuary), red-backed shrike still on the golf course between Pink Bay and Nottage.

Owain Gabb
20 November 2019 18:10

Gower: no reports.
Glamorgan: bittern (Kenfig), long-tailed duck on flood tide at Sker, scaup off Prospect Place (Cardiff), snow bunting still at The Knap, Barry.
Pembrokeshire: ring-necked duck (1w drake) on North Pond, Skokholm flew towards the mainland.

Alun John
20 November 2019 09:41

Med Gull PHAN IN Bracelet Bay.. Polish bird ringed as an adult earlier this year

Owain Gabb
19 November 2019 09:13

Gower: great northern diver close in off Limeslade Bay at high tide
Glamorgan: yellow-browed warbler and firecrest still on the path to the visitor centre at Kenfig, red-backed shrike (1w) still on the golf course (near the care home) at Pink Bay, snow bunting at The Knap. Short-eared owl at Sker.
Carmarthenshire: snow bunting on the path to Burry Port lighthouse

Owain Gabb
19 November 2019 09:12

Gower: no reports.
Glamorgan: Red-backed shrike on Kenfig Golf course between Pink Bay and Nottage, snow bunting at The Knap, Siberian chiffchaff, yellow-browed warbler and 2 ringtail hen harriers at Kenfig Pool, black redstart Kenfig life saving club, long-tailed duck, red-throated diver at Sker (with two purple sandpiper at the point), firecrest east of Sully at St Mary’s Well Bay below the Block House.

Jeremy Douglas-Jones
18 November 2019 11:16

17 Nov 2019
Gower 2 Chough feeding on Rhossili Down OS Ref SS418884

Owain Gabb
17 November 2019 13:43

17/11/2019 Gower: Siberian chiffchaff, firecrest (Oxwich), scaup (4) in the middle of the Burry Inlet off Crofty, water pipit (Upper Loughor), great northern diver at Aberavon Beach, black redstart at Ordnance Survey Grid Reference SS7351 9056 (Aberavon). Drake garganey Gnoll Park Lake – but of dubious origin. Ring-necked parakeet still at Fendrod. Glamorgan: firecrest, Siberian chiffchaff, yellow-browed warbler at Kenfig near visitor centre, snow bunting still at Barry (the Knap) – on rockery by flats between sunken garden and the toilets. Sker: 13 red-throated diver, great northern diver, long-tailed duck, and a purple sandpiper on the Point. Carmarthenshire: spotted redshank… Read more »

Owain Gabb
16 November 2019 14:39

Gower: ring-necked parakeet at Fendrod Lake
Glamorgan: Red-backed shrike on the golf course between Pink Bay and Nottage, Porthcawl. Snow bunting still at the Knap, Barry. Long-tailed duck on the flood tide at Sker. Black redstart by the buildings at Southerdown.
Gwent. Whooper swan with mute swan herd in fields south of lighthouse

Owain Gabb
15 November 2019 13:04

Gower: no reports
Glamorgan: snow bunting still at The Knap (Barry). Has been around the walled areas close to the skateboard park. Red-backed shrike reported in copse adjacent to path between Pink Bay and Nottage, Porthcawl.

Owain Gabb
14 November 2019 16:25

Gower: no news
Glamorgan: Richard’s pipit (Nash Point). Photographed and found by Graham Smith. Viewed from SS927677; snow bunting at The Knap (Barry).

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