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Guidelines for Reporting Rarities and Submission of Annual Records
Detailed records of nationally or locally rare species (guidance on these is
here) should be sent to the County Recorder Eddie Hunter ( as soon as possible after the sighting. An appropriate description should be provided of the species, your previous experience of it (and similar species), the circumstances and weather conditions in which the sighting occurred and any other pertinent information (such as photos). He will then circulate to the local or national records committee as relevant.
Day to day observations, including of nest sites, flocks of birds and species of local interest, should be collated in the Annual Record Form and sent to Eddie as an email attachment following each calendar year. Receiving these by the end of January is ideal as an early start can then be made on compiling the annual report.
Please could we ask that detailed locational information that may lead to the disturbance of the nest sites of species listed under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) is omitted from any posts. This may otherwise lead to an offence being committed.
Schedule 1 species that regularly breed in the recording area are Dartford warbler, chough, honey buzzard, crossbill, goshawk, kingfisher, hobby, red kite, barn owl, peregrine, little ringed plover and Cettiās warbler.
Rhossili: 3 red-throated diver and 1 black-throated diver (per Eddie Hunter)
Friday 29th pm. Nice flock of 6 long tailed tits flying and feeding along Overland Road Mumbles.
Thursday 28th November approximately 11.00. Crymlyn Road Winch Wen. 3 Jays seen flying from road into trees. Have never seen more than a solitary Jay in this location previously.
Friday 29th Nov after high tide: great crested grebe at Bracelet Bay.
Some sightings from last week during my recent visit to Gower. Castell Du, two each of Green and Common Sandpipers and Greenshank, 3 GW Egret at Llanrhidian all on the 17th. 3RT Diver and a Slav Grebe at Rhossili plus a good candidate for a Black Scoter at Burry Holms (I assume the same individual I saw at Oxwich a couple of years ago but as then too distant to clinch), all on the 18th. 3 each of Goldeneye and RB Merganser south of the Loughor Bridge on the 19th. Water Pipit with the flock of Pied Wag/Meadow Pipits at… Read more »
Castell du
1 water pipit , 2 green sandpiper , 1 common sandpiper , 125 wigeon . 9 meadow pipit and 30 pied wagtail also on the salt marsh .
Jack snipe at Oxwich Marsh this morning. Photo courtesy of Richard Dann
Single Curlew on Ashley Rd playing fields this morning
… and one calling by the boat slip at Oystermouth yesterday.
Mumbles Pier this afternoon on the slipway
20 dunlin, 2 oystercatcher, 1 redshank and 6 turnstone
Only 3 med gulls in Bracelet Bay this morning.. quite a surprise as there is normally a big flock. Bad weather pushed them somewhere quieter for the day.. also no curlews present in the university playing fields
Yes, I counted 65 Mediterranean Gulls at Bracelet Bay on 4th November.
Firecrest, marsh tit at Pwll Du early morning.
We had a pleasant walk yesterday morning around Margam Moors and Margam Sands NPT with a few GOS members and GOS President Bob Tallack we seen 58 species Highlight was watching a Peregrine falcon eating a Moorhen on nearby pylon, other birds included very vocal Cetti`s Warblers and Water Ralis, 12 flyover Stockdoves, a few Redwings and 2 Ravens and there was least 80 Sanderling 20 Oystercatcher and 4 Curlew on Margam Sands.
Weobley this morning, approx 520 golden plover , 330 lapwing , 9 skylark, 2 rock pipit.
Castell du this afternoon, 106 Dublin, 55 lapwing, 9 redshank, 278 pied wagtail