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Guidelines for Reporting Rarities and Submission of Annual Records
Detailed records of nationally or locally rare species (guidance on these is here) should be sent to the County Recorder Eddie Hunter (goweros23@gmail.com) as soon as possible after the sighting. An appropriate description should be provided of the species, your previous experience of it (and similar species), the circumstances and weather conditions in which the sighting occurred and any other pertinent information (such as photos). He will then circulate to the local or national records committee as relevant.

Day to day observations, including of nest sites, flocks of birds and species of local interest, should be collated in the Annual Record Form and sent to Eddie as an email attachment following each calendar year. Receiving these by the end of January is ideal as an early start can then be made on compiling the annual report.


Please could we ask that detailed locational information that may lead to the disturbance of the nest sites of species listed under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) is omitted from any posts. This may otherwise lead to an offence being committed.

Schedule 1 species that regularly breed in the recording area are Dartford warbler, chough, honey buzzard, crossbill, goshawk, kingfisher, hobby, red kite, barn owl, peregrine, little ringed plover and Cettiā€™s warbler.

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Josh Greatorex-Davies
10 February 2025 19:42

Rhossili today: c80 Common Scoter in the bay and 2 Great Crested Grebes (including one in breeding plumage). c300 Oystercatcher on the causeway at low tide and 1 Red-throated Diver on the sea south of the causeway along with good numbers of Cormorants and Shags. A pair of Kestrels, 3 Buzzards and 1 young male Hen Harrier at the Vile.

Terry Tovey
Terry Tovey
10 February 2025 17:56

300+ jackdaws in trees in Victoria gardens neath.At 5pm

Mark Hipkin
10 February 2025 13:09

Yesterday, out birding for the day with Lukas and Darren. It was fairly productive and a few highlights noted below Blackpill Flock of 27 Tufted Duck on the sea was unusual.A couple of Great crested Grebes also on the sea and 12 Bar-tailed Godwits on the beach Oxwich Bay 73 Common Scoter and 3 Great crested Grebe Port Eynon 3 Pale-bellied Brents in with c65 Dark-bellied Brents. Also 4 Purple Sandpipers roosting with Turnstones on the rocky exposure on west end of beach Corner Moor Farm, nr Scurlage Male Yellowhammer and lots of House Sparrows Mewslade A Gannet offshore and… Read more »

Terry Tovey
Terry Tovey
10 February 2025 11:28

A red kite low over the river bridge near burger king neath.

Peter Douglas-Jones
10 February 2025 10:57

A curlew in Three Cliffs Bay shortly before 08.00. No choughs.

Jeremy Douglas-Jones
10 February 2025 08:23

Buzzard flying low over Mumbles Road at Norton this morning at 0815

Jeremy Douglas-Jones
9 February 2025 12:38

12.00 Sunday. I put up a snipe on Penmaen Burrows as a sparrow hawk flew over.

Terry Tovey
Terry Tovey
8 February 2025 22:47

42 sanderlings on aberavon beach this afternoon

Alun John
8 February 2025 14:15

Some pictures from the 35+ curlew on Swansea Uni playing fields this afternoon

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