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Guidelines for Reporting Rarities and Submission of Annual Records
Detailed records of nationally or locally rare species (guidance on these is
here) should be sent to the County Recorder Eddie Hunter ( as soon as possible after the sighting. An appropriate description should be provided of the species, your previous experience of it (and similar species), the circumstances and weather conditions in which the sighting occurred and any other pertinent information (such as photos). He will then circulate to the local or national records committee as relevant.
Day to day observations, including of nest sites, flocks of birds and species of local interest, should be collated in the Annual Record Form and sent to Eddie as an email attachment following each calendar year. Receiving these by the end of January is ideal as an early start can then be made on compiling the annual report.
Please could we ask that detailed locational information that may lead to the disturbance of the nest sites of species listed under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) is omitted from any posts. This may otherwise lead to an offence being committed.
Schedule 1 species that regularly breed in the recording area are Dartford warbler, chough, honey buzzard, crossbill, goshawk, kingfisher, hobby, red kite, barn owl, peregrine, little ringed plover and Cetti’s warbler.
Interesting plumage of this Sanderling, presumably a very worn juvenile moulting to winter but would like advice. Don’t have non passerine id and ageing book.
Nice Knot in winter plumage and a juvenile Oystercatcher.
This may be of some assistance aging manual.pdf
Ian. Looking at the worn tertials, which should be new with a white edge, and the faded brown primaries I would say this is a moulting adult. Coincidentally I was watching a worn adult and a juv this morning and the juv showed no sign of moult yet although the start of juv moult is variable depending on how far south the population winters. I can now read Dewi’s article and prove myself wrong!
Last evening at Blackpill undisturbed enough to spend some time with small waders. 1 Curlew Sandpiper and 5 Knot plus numerous Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Sanderling.
And here’s the pic
Blackpill on 17th August this LBB Gull juvenile, yellow J=R on black band right leg, appears to be from the Netherlands. My report been forwarded by a brit who I thought it belonged to🙄. 5 Sandwich terns also there that evening.
a great hour this morning at Castell Du . 2 ad Yellow-legged gull on the river , 2Yellow wagtail ( ad and juv) alongside 58 Pied wag . 11Teal fresh in , 3 Green sand , 12 Black-tailed godwit passed through . mixed finch flock : managed 28 Linnet and 55 Goldfinch . 8 Meadow pipit , 4 Stonechat and Bully’s star prize , a smart juv Spotted Redshank .
Oxwich Marsh: hobby, 2 grasshopper warbler, 2 yellow wagtail over, 5+ tree pipit, redstart (imm male), sedge warbler, reed warbler, 5 + whitethroat.
A Wheatear on Arthur’s Stone this morning.
Noticable movement of Swallows and House Martins over Clydach mid afternoon passing in regular drifts of 20-30 birds for a period of two hours.All heading West. Encoraged by the visit of a family flock of Greenfinch to the garden today and yesterday.I hope they are making a comeback.
South Gower location: 4 Chough together and three sightings of 2 birds together; 1 northern wheatear, 1 rock pipit, 1 kestrel (male), 1 great cormorant.
Grey wagtail movements noted this morning and yesterday over Oxwich. 10 this morning over 2 hours.
Also kingfisher, green sandpiper (in the fen) and garden warbler.
Horton to Slade :9 stonechat, 2 family flocks . 2 Chough and 3 Whitethroat . 1 breeding plumage Red throated Diver fly past .
Port Eynon to Overton : 58 Ringed Plover, 7 Turnstone 8 Sandwich Teen and 4 Rock pipit around Salthouse /Skysea .
very few passerinex seen except 2 Whitethroat near Overton
Ringed Plovers at Whiteford Sands this afternoon
Dear All We are now in the breeding season. For Schedule 1 species at risk of disturbance at the nest, we need to ensure that any sightings do not provide information that may lead to their disturbance. This includes cliff-nesting species such as Dartford warbler and chough which have been targeted by photographers (some of whom have used tape lures) in recent years, and species expanding their range / becoming locally commoner in some parts of the recording area such as red kite and goshawk. Please be aware of this in your posting. A list of Schedule 1 species that… Read more »