GOS is a charity. Donations are welcome and it is only £12 to join (for which you get the annual bird report, email updates concerning events and an invitation to attend all of our walks / field trips free of charge). Walks are £5 for non-members. We welcome members and non-members alike to the free online talks. For in-person talks there is a nominal fee of £1 on the door to help cover room hire.
We encourage all to join the society and contribute to the bird recording and conservation initiatives GOS promotes.
Indoor Meeting
Calendar of Events
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Understanding and Conserving Gower’s Birds
Understanding and Conserving Gower’s Birds
Gethin Jenkins-Jones, Development and Engagement Co-ordinator at BTO Cymru, will talk to us about how data collected as a result of BTO's flagship Wetland Bird Survey, Breeding Bird Survey and ringing initiatives have assisted us in understanding the conservation value … Read More