GOS is a charity. Donations are welcome and it is only £12 to join (for which you get the annual bird report, email updates concerning events and an invitation to attend all of our walks / field trips free of charge). Walks are £5 for non-members. We welcome members and non-members alike to the free online talks. For in-person talks there is a nominal fee of £1 on the door to help cover room hire.

We encourage all to join the society and contribute to the bird recording and conservation initiatives GOS promotes.

Margaret Price Memorial Quiz

St Paul’s Parish Hall De la Beche Road, Swansea

This year's quiz will be hosted by Josh Greatorex-Davies, last year's winner, at St Paul's Parish Church hall. The content will be varied (but all bird-related) and should cater for members with a range of experience. It will be £1 … Read More