GOS is a charity. Donations are welcome and it is only £12 to join (for which you get the annual bird report, email updates concerning events and an invitation to attend all of our walks / field trips free of charge). Walks are £5 for non-members. We welcome members and non-members alike to the free online talks. For in-person talks there is a nominal fee of £1 on the door to help cover room hire.
We encourage all to join the society and contribute to the bird recording and conservation initiatives GOS promotes.
BTO Cymru April Training Events
BTO Cymru want to enable more people in Wales to learn about birds, to gain confidence with ID, and to participate in BTO-led surveys this upcoming breeding season. If you would like to get involved, please see BTO Cymru's spring … Read More
Field Trip to Ham Wall
RSPB Ham Wall Meare, Ashcott, GlastonburyA trip to Ham Wall to look for bittern, glossy ibis, egrets of three varieties, marsh harrier, bearded tit, plenty of wildfowl and some reed bed warblers. Contact Jeremy Jeremy@douglas-jones.biz if you are interested in coming along and would like … Read More