On CES 3 last year we had a flock of Long Tailed Tits fly into the nets. The same happened today, catching a flock of 11 birds with another 2 about an hour later
Both pictures show a juvenile next to an adult. The juvenile being the bird with the brown coloured head. The weights of the Juv’s varied from 7.2gms to 8.9gms less than out heaviest Wren today at 10.1gms. Such handsome birds.
Around the site there are pieces of roofing felt that have been placed to attract slow worms. Under one of these were two Common Shrews. They are one of Britain’s smallest mammals. They have a massive appetite and can eat there own body weight of insects and worms every day. Shrews and other small rodents are the staple diet of Owls.
It was a good day today and by the end of the session we caught 34 birds compared with 18 for CES last Year It was also the highest number of birds since CES 3 in 2012. We are hoping the increased numbers are as a result of all the tree coppicing and trimming done by WWT in the winter to reduce the height of the trees surrounding our nets.
2014 New Retrap 2013New Retrap
Blue Tit 4 1
Robin 1 2 2
Blackbird 2
Blackcap 1 1
Songthrush 1 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Long Tailed Tit 12 1 8 3
Great Tit 1
Wren 2 1 1
Dunnock 3 1
Totals 27 7 11 5
Thanks to Heather Coats for coming along today.