GOS is a charity. Donations are welcome and it is only £12 to join (for which you get the annual bird report, email updates concerning events and an invitation to attend all of our walks / field trips free of charge). Walks are £5 for non-members. We welcome members and non-members alike to the free online talks. For in-person talks there is a nominal fee of £1 on the door to help cover room hire.
We encourage all to join the society and contribute to the bird recording and conservation initiatives GOS promotes.

- This event has passed.
POSTPONED: Oxwich Marsh Ringing Demonstration
20 July 2024 @ 08:00 - 11:00

Unfortunately we have had to POSTPONE this event due to an unfavourable weather forecast. We will reschedule for as soon as we can find an alternative date.
Join Gower Ringing Group at Oxwich Marsh. The timing of the field trip should ensure that fledgling willow, sedge, reed, Cetti’s and grasshopper warbler are likely, along with tits, finches, reed buntings and a variety of other species. Previous attendees have seen species such as kingfisher and hawfinch.
Owain Gabb will talk you through the features of the species captured, including how you identify and age them, and the biometric data the group takes on behalf of the BTO.
The meeting point is in the large field on the marsh road. You will be met and greeted, and we will then assemble at a discreet distance from the ringing area, allowing birds to be brought across to us once they have been processed by the team. Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather, food and drink and a fold out chair, as there will be time spent waiting for birds to be brought to us.
The event will be called off if there is significant rain or wind forecast.
The gate to the field in which we will meet is at:
- Grid Reference SS 50282 87259
- X (Easting) , Y (Northing) 250282 , 187259
- Latitude , Longitude (degs, mins, secs) 51°33′51″N , 004°09′41″W
- What3Words: firebird.liked.bucket
- The address is given as: Penrice, Oxwich, Swansea, Wales, SA3 1LS, United Kingdom (but please don’t rely on the post code for your SatNav).
See below